Seal Colorado Springs Police Records
The effect of sealing your criminal record is profound, and extends well beyond negative social stigma. All facets of your private and public life can benefit from sealing a criminal case from public view.
Don't let a past mistake limit your employment, education, housing, finance, or dating opportunities. Colorado Revised Statutes §24-72-702(4) allows you to seal your criminal record and move forward with your life.
Once your record is sealed, potential employers, insurance companies, lenders, and nosy neighbors are no longer able to pry into your past.
You can confidently and legally check "No" to the ever present "have your ever been arrested or charged with a crime" question on employment, insurance, and finance applications once we have your record sealed.
2000+ Records Sealing Consultations
99% Criminal Cases Sealed
1900+ Arrests Sealed
100% Fresh Start For Clients
400+ Careers Saved
1200+ Relationships Saved
1100+ Background Checks Passed
There are some limitations or waiting periods for case sealing of certain felonies, so contact the criminal record sealing experts at the law office of Michael W. Moran, P.C. today to learn more about sealing records of your criminal case.